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Inbound Marketing Insights

5 Digital Marketing Considerations for B2B Organizations

Posted by Prism Global Marketing Solutions | 3 Minutes to Read

In a competitive marketplace, your approach to marketing will mean the difference between the success and failure of your B2B company. B2B companies that can successfully adopt a comprehensive digital marketing strategy in conjunction with a traditional marketing strategy will have a real advantage over their competitors. In addition, knowing the marketing trends to follow could make all the difference in helping your company get and stay ahead of the curve. Here are the top 5 digital marketing trends that should matter most to B2B companies.

1. Video
Some marketing trends change from year to year, while others build on the success of the previous year. Building on prior success is precisely what is happening with video marketing. Increased budgets, along with a better understanding of how to tailor video to the audience, means this trend is set to continue for many years to come. Video marketing can be utilized in various ways, including testimonials, how-to videos (which are becoming increasingly popular), demo videos, and even sales rep videos. The true upside to video marketing is that it also enables you to leverage that content across other channels. For example, if you have a video testimonial, you can use that for email marketing, sales rep follow-up communication, and social media.

2. Webinars
Webinars provide an excellent opportunity for potential customers to engage with you and judge the validity of the company, brand, and goods and services you provide. They allow you to engage with many people in a live environment, which helps promote interaction with your brand and gauge the level of interest with potential prospects. While webinars don’t replace a face-to-face presentation, they provide a cost-effective and very time-efficient way to engage your existing database and drive new leads. Webinars will continue to become a core part of many B2B companies' marketing strategies, so it's important to start utilizing them now as part of your strategy.

3. Data Transparency
New laws coming into force this year mean that companies need to be much more transparent about what they are doing with contact information relating to their leads and customers. If you currently collect any data through email lists, advertisements, cookie tracking, social media feeds, or other forms of data collection, then this affects you, and you need to understand how this will impact your strategy. All your marketing and data collection must comply with the new laws, and it's important to stay on top of these as they constantly evolve. Here is a great checklist you can utilize to see how prepared your organization is for GDPR.

4. Personas & Journeys
Customers come to your company from one channel or another, and it’s critical that you understand how that process took place so you know what channels are most effective and least effective as you finalize your marketing strategy for this year. Knowing your customer is becoming increasingly important as competition increases across all sectors. Combined with the growing complexity of digital marketing, buyer personas, and buyer’s journey mapping, it is more relevant than ever before to determine the best communications and experiences at various points through each prospect’s journey with you. This helps you focus on the channels and content that is most helpful to your sales process, which reduces your drop rate and continually increases the cost-effectiveness of your marketing strategies. Here are 6 steps that you can also review to ensure your marketing automation process aligns with the buyer’s journey.

5. Automation
Automated email marketing, or marketing automation, is an integral part of most companies’ approach to marketing. While some think that email marketing is a thing a past, that is definitely not the case. Email marketing just needs to be focused on in a different way that is more personalized to the individual user to increase your email engagement and success with marketing automation. Many organizations are missing out on opportunities because they use a ‘one size fits all’ approach to their emails. Approximately half of companies do not target their emails at all, around 33% use only basic segmentation, and less than 15% personalize and segment emails to reach specific audiences determined by their customer database. By using automation in tandem with your email marketing efforts, you will start to see how impactful email marketing really is when done effectively. 

As you can see, digital marketing is a key component of any B2B company’s overall marketing strategy. By following these five digital marketing trends, your company will stand out from the competition because your competition is likely still focused on more traditional marketing methods. By getting ahead of the curve, you can build your online presence, engage with your prospects and customers digitally, and have a strategic approach to digital marketing that takes your company to the next level.

If you're interested in discussing your current marketing strategy and how you can better incorporate these 5 trends into it, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our team. You can also check out our marketing explainer videos if you have any questions specifically about digital marketing. 

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Content Marketing, Digital Marketing

Prism Global Marketing Solutions

Posted by Prism Global Marketing Solutions

Prism Global Marketing Solutions is a HubSpot Platinum Partner based in Phoenix, Arizona helping businesses maximize their marketing investment with a strategic approach to inbound marketing.