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Inbound Marketing Insights

15 Tips to Incorporate Generative AI into Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Posted by Prism Global Marketing Solutions | 8 Minutes to Read

Generative AI is artificial intelligence that can quickly create new content, including text, images, audio, videos, and much more. Recent breakthroughs in Generative AI can potentially revolutionize how we approach content creation.

We've gathered insights from founders and CEOs, among other experts, to understand better how you can effectively integrate Generative AI into your digital marketing strategies. From prioritizing authenticity in AI-generated content to continually learning and experimenting with AI, let's explore these 15 strategies industry leaders recommend for enhancing digital marketing efforts. 

  • Prioritize Authenticity in AI-Generated Content
  • Adopt a Measured AI Integration Approach
  • Balance Human Creativity with AI Insights
  • Leverage AI for Personalized Content Creation
  • Trial AI Tools Before Full Commitment
  • Monitor AI for Ethical and Legal Compliance
  • Employ AI for Content Fusion Strategy
  • Fact-Check AI-Generated Marketing Content
  • Combine Personalized AI Content with Human Oversight
  • Use AI for Customized Ads and Predictive Analysis
  • Implement Generative AI for Real-Time Interaction
  • Assist Creativity with Generative AI
  • Gather Intel with AI for Content Strategy
  • Use Generative AI as an Assistant
  • Continually Learn and Experiment with AI

Prioritize Authenticity in AI-Generated Content

In a time where AI is everything, authenticity ironically becomes more prominent than ever. Therefore, the key to incorporating generative AI successfully is all about the end-user. For example, when creating content with generative AI, read it as if you're the audience.

Ask yourself: How does it make you feel? Do you think it adds value? If you find it hard to engage with the content yourself, that's a clear warning sign.

Remember, in an AI-driven world, authenticity is critical.

Will Chen, Founder, AI Worthy

2. Adopt a Measured AI Integration Approach

Could you do it gradually? If you're starting out integrating generative AI tools for digital marketing, don't make the mistake of outright relying on the tool by itself. That's a recipe for disaster.

Instead, I advise adopting a measured approach to how you use generative AI. Experiment, so to speak. I'd like you to please learn its benefits and understand where it can be most effective. GGenerative AI is beneficial, but overreliance on it could destroy most marketing campaigns, making you lose the essence of the human touch. It's essential to balance AI's efficiency with creative human insight.

For example, you can use AI for tasks like data analysis or content generation but keep human oversight for strategy and brand voice. I also suggest monitoring AI's performance regularly to ensure it aligns with your marketing goals.

Patrick Beltran, Marketing Director, Ardoz Digital

3. Balance Human Creativity with AI Insights

Finding the perfect harmony between human creativity and AI-driven insights is crucial in today's digital marketing landscape. While AI brings valuable data-driven insights and streamlines tasks, human creativity injects a personalized touch and emotional resonance into advertising campaigns. Marketers can uncover vital insights to fuel their creative strategies by leveraging AI to analyze consumer data and trends. It's imperative to recognize that AI is a powerful tool, but the human touch infuses campaigns with authenticity and uniqueness.

The key is to embrace AI as a collaborative partner, allowing it to amplify and refine creative concepts rather than overshadow them. This collaborative approach empowers marketers to craft compelling campaigns that seamlessly blend the best of both worlds—the analytical prowess of AI and the creative ingenuity of humans. By striking this delicate balance, marketers can create campaigns that resonate deeply with audiences and drive impactful results.

Rich Meyer, Vice President, Prism Global Marketing Solutions

4. Leverage AI for Personalized Content Creation

Incorporating generative AI into digital marketing strategies can be highly effective, and an essential tip is to leverage it for personalized content creation. Generative AI can analyze customer data and engagement patterns to create customized content that resonates with specific audience segments. For example, using AI to generate personalized email campaigns can significantly improve open and click-through rates. 

The AI assesses user behavior, preferences, and past interactions to craft individualized messages and subject lines, making each email more relevant and engaging to the recipient. This approach enhances the user experience and drives higher engagement and conversion rates, offering a substantial edge in digital marketing strategies. Remember, the goal is to blend AI capabilities with human creativity to produce data-driven and emotionally resonant content.

Bruno Gavino, Founder, CEO, CodeDesign

5. Trial AI Tools Before Full Commitment

Begin by experimenting with AI-based digital marketing tools. Naturally, the first step is to understand AI and explore how others are leveraging it in the field. Once you clearly understand your priorities, I recommend taking the first step by trialing AI-based digital marketing tools.

Many AI-driven tools offer free demos, allowing you to assess their long-term suitability for your specific needs. Existing vendors you work with might already have AI capabilities, such as Google, Salesforce, HubSpot, and Hootsuite. Extending your partnership with them and exploring potential new integrations can be a strategic move. Our software, Automat, includes features like form-filling, data extraction, and an AI co-pilot. So many are out there, so please select the best for your use case.

Trying out a trial before fully committing to a specific generative AI tool will give you practical experience and a clearer understanding of its impact on your marketing efforts. This helps in making an informed decision about incorporating AI into your strategy.

Lucas Ochoa, Founder and CEO, Automat

6. Monitor AI for Ethical and Legal Compliance

A tip and a warning combined into one—monitor your AI tools to maintain ethical and legal considerations, as you are responsible for those instead of the AI provider. Ethical considerations, data privacy regulations, and transparency in digital marketing are essential factors to consider before embarking on any significant use of generative AI in your digital marketing strategy, especially as there is a definite danger of bias in many generative AI tools. 

Please go through the output with a fine-toothed comb. While generative AI will undoubtedly be a significant boon for efficiency and content creation, it is not without its administrative burdens to ensure you stay compliant with regulations in your field.

Kate Kandefer, CEO, SEOwind

7. Employ AI for Content Fusion Strategy

One distinct approach I recommend when integrating generative AI into digital marketing is to employ it for Content Fusion. This involves using AI to merge user-generated content, such as reviews or social media posts, with your marketing materials. 

Seamlessly blending authentic customer experiences with your messaging creates a more trustworthy and relatable brand image. This unique strategy harnesses the power of AI to bridge the gap between brand content and user-generated content, enhancing customer engagement and building stronger connections with your audience.

Ryan Doser, Co-Founder, AI Insider Tips

Fact-Check AI-Generated Marketing Content

When using generative AI in your digital marketing strategies, I suggest you double-check the accuracy of the generated text. Generative AI pulls information from various sources, like the internet, but we can only sometimes be sure if it's entirely accurate. So, please make it a priority to fact-check the information from generative AI to ensure that what you're using in your marketing is trustworthy and reliable.

Mei Ping Mak, Director of SEO and Web, Weave Asia

9. Combine Personalized AI Content with Human Oversight

One suggestion for applying generative AI to digital marketing tactics is to use it to create personalized content. 

Generative AI can evaluate data about a company's target audience and generate content uniquely customized to that audience's interests, actions, and needs. This can improve the success of marketing campaigns by ensuring that the content is engaging and resonates with the audience.

However, while generative AI can be a powerful tool, it should only be used with human oversight. Marketers should always examine and refine AI-generated content to ensure consistency with the brand's voice and values. This mix of AI-powered efficiency and human creativity has the potential to produce truly effective digital marketing tactics.

Remember that the secret to successful digital marketing is not simply using the most up-to-date technology but also using that technology to make real connections with your audience. When used effectively, generative AI can be valuable in reaching this goal.

Max Maybury, Co-Owner and Developer, Ai-Product Reviews

10. Use AI for Customized Ads and Predictive Analysis

One key aspect I would highlight, drawing from my experiences as a founder of a digital marketing company and a software development firm, is the power of AI in delivering customized advertisements and content for target customers. Our software company, Anthem, assisted businesses in finding and nurturing leads using powerful segmentation capabilities and data insights. This can be taken one step further with generative AI.

For example, you can train AI on your customers' data sets, including their behavior patterns, interests, and preferences, much like how we do when using Anthem's software for managing customer relationships. The AI can generate personalized promotional content for each customer, vastly improving engagement rates and conversions.

Moreover, AI can also be helpful in the predictive analysis of customer behavior. It can identify potential customer changes and allow you to proactively address them by modifying your marketing strategy. I suggest identifying relevant data for the AI model to learn from and then using that model to create predictive analyses based on the data.

Adopting AI in your marketing strategies can be particularly beneficial in creating customized content and ads and for predictive analysis. Such use of AI capability tends to improve customer engagement and retention significantly.

Joe Amaral, Founder and COO of Anthem Software

11. Implement Generative AI for Real-Time Interaction

Artificial intelligence has changed 99% of all business-related technology capabilities. From finance departments to human resources, the possibilities are innumerable. In my opinion, AI also has so much potential to craft innovative marketing functions and reach—primarily through generative AI.

It is my job to get my marketing department from point A to point B and beyond using efficient and innovative technology. Cue generative AI. But all the great ideas fall flat if there is no plan to implement them effectively into existing systems and workflows.

The best way to accomplish this is to bring AI to life in real-time interaction. On a company's website or through an advertisement, enact algorithms to customize customer suggestions and preferences while such marketing materials are being viewed. Using generative AI takes away the old-school comment card. It puts feedback into split-second implementation, making marketing an actionable function and making generative AI so revolutionary in the first place.

Jack Vivian, Chief Technology Officer, Increditools

12. Assist Creativity with Generative AI

Generative AI is a powerful tool that can help digital marketers create engaging and relevant content, save time, optimize resources, and experiment with new ideas. However, generative AI is more complex than pressing a button and getting the perfect content. It requires careful planning, testing, and evaluation to ensure the content aligns with the brand’s voice, values, and goals. 

Here is one tip for incorporating generative AI into digital marketing strategies: Use generative AI as a creative assistant, not a replacement. Generative AI can generate content based on various inputs, such as keywords, topics, tone, style, etc. However, it needs help understanding the context, nuances, emotions, and intentions behind the content. That is why using generative AI as a creative assistant is essential, not a replacement for human writers. 

As a digital marketer, you should always review, edit, and refine the content generated by generative AI to ensure that it meets your standards and expectations. You can use your judgment and expertise to decide when and how to use generative AI for different types of content, such as blogs, social media posts, emails, landing pages, etc. Generative AI can help you generate content faster and easier but cannot replace your creativity and skills.

Bhavik Sarkhedi, Growth Head and CMO, Content Whale

13. Gather Intel with AI for Content Strategy

A great way to use AI in your strategies is to create personas and use them to gather intel that you can use on your website as helpful content, such as FAQs. Google values websites that go deep into topics and provide thorough information that is relevant and helpful, so using AI to help gather questions you can answer on your site can help you develop a fresh content strategy in this ever-changing marketing world.

John Sammon, CEO and Founder, Sixth City Marketing

14. Use Generative AI as an Assistant, Not as a Replacement

My one tip for incorporating generative AI into digital marketing strategies is to be subtle and use generative AI only as an assistant, not as a replacement.

This is speaking particularly from an SEO perspective. Google is at the forefront of developing generative AI, and they're investing very heavily in it. This means they can detect when a piece of content (blog, video, etc.) is AI-generated.

It will almost have a watermark that Google will be able to recognize. Your AI-generated blogs might work now, but they will only last for a while once Google recognizes them as AI-generated.

And if you want a marketing strategy that's going to last and develop to give you results over the next couple of years, you should use generative AI as an assisting tool to create content ideas, but not use it to replace the creative skills that you'd otherwise be using.

It can speed up your processes but should be considered.

Kate Jones, Content Manager, Lumen SEO

15. Continually Learn and Experiment with AI

Stay current with AI advancements and actively experiment. With generative AI advancing rapidly, marketers must continually learn about new developments, tools, and their potential applications. I adopt two main approaches.

You can start by running small side projects to test different generative AI tools before incorporating them into your marketing strategies. Side projects allow you to safely evaluate various AI technologies to see how they could enhance or automate parts of your marketing workflows.

I also set aside hours weekly for online courses and webinars, following LinkedIn experts and their case studies and keeping up with the latest AI research and new tool announcements, ensuring I'm always on the cutting edge. Continuous learning helps you stay caught up in the AI game.

Oleh Sorokopud, Head of Digital Marketing, Softjourn

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Digital Marketing, Artificial Intelligence

Prism Global Marketing Solutions

Posted by Prism Global Marketing Solutions

Prism Global Marketing Solutions is a HubSpot Platinum Partner based in Phoenix, Arizona helping businesses maximize their marketing investment with a strategic approach to inbound marketing.