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Inbound Marketing Insights

How to Build Content Trust as Brands Use ChatGPT for Content Marketing

Posted by Prism Global Marketing Solutions | 5 Minutes to Read

ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more with a chatbot. The language model can answer questions and assist you with tasks such as composing emails, essays, and code. While ChatGPT can provide immense opportunities for both businesses and individuals, one question being consistently asked is, "How do I get someone to trust the output from ChatGPT?"

From doing thorough research to meeting content needs, here are 12 ways to help build and maintain content trust with AI & ChatGPT:

  • Research Carefully Vetted Sources to Back Up Your Points
  • Prepare a Thoughtful Outline of the Project Goals
  • Keep Your Copy-Editors and Proofreaders Sharp
  • Build Deep Relationships With Your Customers
  • Leverage ChatGPT to Assist Rather Than Replace Human Knowledge
  • Stay True to Your Word
  • Incorporate Language That Your Target Audience Uses
  • Show Empathy to Maintain Your Brand
  • Use ChatGPT for Research and Content Affirmation
  • Don't Forget Your Customer Still Comes First
  • Have a Robust Content Review Process
  • Keep Meeting Needs With Your Content


1. Research Carefully Vetted Sources to Back Up Your Points

I've noticed that many writers and publications trying out AI find it doesn't always get the finer details right. That's your chance to shine. Back up your claims with carefully vetted sources—that means finding the original reports and quotes, not using stats indirectly cited through a roundup. You'll set your content apart from AI content by showing your audience you've taken the time to make sure your claims are true.

Melissa King, Freelance Writer, Melissa King

2. Prepare a Thoughtful Outline of the Project Goals

Using generative AI tools like ChatGPT, JASPAR, Writesonic, and others to recognize writing and search patterns based on seemingly limitless machine learning parameters. Entering a few well-selected keywords into the tool may boost your SEO strategy, but you should create the most engaging content with thoughtful intention. The research and information gathering are as vital to the executable piece as the writing. To maintain integrity and trust, brands should prepare an outline of the project goals and identify the target audience and the intended call to action with interesting discovery questions before engaging the generative AI for help.

Andrea Preziotti, Writer, Andrea Preziotti

3. Keep Your Copy-Editors and Proofreaders Sharp

In reading some content I knew to be generated by ChatGPT, my first thought was, "Wow. The content seemed sound until I got bogged down by the poor grammar." So I questioned the content's validity. Know thy audience! AI cannot know the heart and soul of your readers, dear writer, so please don't forget the importance of human oversight of your words, whatever their source.

Darcy Bowers, Freelance Editor, Writer, Copy Editor, and Proofreader

Build Deep Relationships With Your Customers

The best way to create content that engenders trust in your customers is to get to know them really well. AI can do a lot, but one thing it can never replace is human connection.  When you deeply understand the challenges and goals of your customers, you can write content that addresses those needs in a way no robot ever could.  Your customers are smart; they know when content caters to their unique needs. Building a deep understanding of these needs will differentiate you from less trustworthy content out there.

Rachel Honeyman, Content Marketing Consultant, Honeyman Creative Solutions

Leverage ChatGPT to Assist Rather Than Replace Human Knowledge

As a brand strategist and copywriter, I've found ChatGPT to be a useful tool for assisting with some of the mechanized pieces of the work-content outlines, for example, headline variations, background content, or keyword optimization.  The quality of the response is contingent on the specificity of my question and how I guide the "conversation" with the AI.  As I would if I was working with another freelancer that I was managing, I check the work; I ask for revisions, and I supplement what it created with my own strategic thinking and original content creation. This is how companies can build more trust and improve efficiency by leveraging AI tools to do what they do best: source information quickly and provide a framework to respond to. As with most technology, it's only as useful and powerful as the user.  ChatGPT can be a great stand-in for a junior researcher, a basic copy proofreader, or to discover an interesting headline backed by targeted keywords-and that is powerful.

Kelly Berry, Independent Brand Strategist, UX Writer, and Verbal Brand Identity Creator, Kelly Berry

6. Stay True to Your Word

From the initial social posts and ads, landing pages, or blog posts your audience might interact with, to the first time they ask a question through your chatbot, reach out to sales for a demo, or end up in your support queue—the quickest way to establish trust in any 1:1 relationship is to do what you say you'll do consistently. 

Words are a dime a dozen; AI and ChatGPT show they can be mixed and remixed infinitely with little human effort. The integrity of consistent human action aligned with our words and proved to our audiences—both internal employees and external prospects and customers—builds the trust that will stand the test of time (long after ChatGPT morphs into its future form).

Carolyn Elder, Founder, Writer, Coach, and Consultant, Conscious Content

7. Incorporate Language That Your Target Audience Uses

The same copy is being spouted out to everyone who uses these tools. Your writing will be more impactful if it's targeted at a specific group. You need to understand what their challenges are, what motivates them, and what will spark a response from them. When you address these factors and provide a solution with your product and/or service, you'll quickly turn prospects into clients. Some easy ways to connect with your target audience are by incorporating their language into your copy; looking at testimonials, conducting surveys, and even interviewing them to get a deeper understanding of what they want and how they phrase things. This will build credibility, maintain trust with your audience, and get you more sales in no time.

Rebecca Scott, Copywriter, Cosmic Creative

8. Show Empathy to Maintain Your Brand

As a brand using content marketing, the focus must always be on your audience's desires. To attract qualified leads, convert them, and turn them into loyal clientele—you need the ability to put yourself in their shoes.  AI doesn't understand humanity; it merely collects disjointed data and attempts to form a narrative. You can't fake genuine empathy.  To maintain brand trust, prioritize your audience at every stage of the customer journey, provide valuable content, and actively listen to what your customers want.

Arianna Valle, Founder, Valle Creative Consulting

9. Use ChatGPT for Research and Content Affirmation

As artificial intelligence and conversational technology become more popular, use them as a starting point for the topics you want to develop further. If you're writing about a topic that you're less familiar with, use these tools to surface research points or understand how to use certain terms in the right context.  When you have a suggestion you're satisfied with, you can see how credible it is through the result of extensive research and content creation process.  If you're unable to find a lot of supporting information or content that aligns with what you're trying to convey from your brand's point of view, then that's a sign that you need to refine your terms or prompts.

Khadijah Plummer, Content and Product Marketing Professional

10. Don't Forget Your Customer Still Comes First

AI and ChatGPT might add context to any content you put out there, but the tool shouldn't be used to replace your writing. Imagine asking AI to describe your brand.  It lacks the human connection, and if your brand relies solely on AI content, you're going to fail at delivering quality pieces that truly capture what your brand is and, most of all, who your customer is. Put your brand and customers first, or you'll lose their trust. This new technology is merely a tool for ideas and brainstorming only.

Garrett Saiki, Senior Content Marketing Manager, Kojo

11: Have a Robust Content Review Process

Maintaining content quality with ChatGPT involves several key practices. First, regularly update its training data to keep it current and relevant. Second, monitor and fine-tune its responses to ensure accuracy and coherence. Third, implement feedback mechanisms where users can report inaccuracies or provide suggestions. Fourth, encourage diverse inputs to avoid bias and promote inclusivity. Finally, continuously evaluate its performance and refine its algorithms to uphold high standards of quality and reliability. 

Elyse Flynn Meyer, Prism Global Marketing Solutions

12. Keep Meeting Needs With Your Content

Remember why you started creating content. Your audience needs something, be it information, answers, or ideas, and when you answer those needs with your content, that automatically builds trust.  In my experience, we're not at the point yet where readers are anxiously questioning who is making the content; the bots versus humans. They simply want to know if your content can actually solve the problems that are most relevant to them.  So do that. Analyze their most important questions and address them with impeccable accuracy.

Rachel Heston-Davis, Freelance Content Marketing Writer, Rachel Heston-Davis Freelancing LLC


If you're interested in discussing your current inbound marketing strategy and how you can start to improve your results with trustworthy content marketing, we invite you to schedule an inbound marketing consultation.

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Topics: Mastering Inbound Marketing, ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence

Prism Global Marketing Solutions

Posted by Prism Global Marketing Solutions

Prism Global Marketing Solutions is a HubSpot Platinum Partner based in Phoenix, Arizona helping businesses maximize their marketing investment with a strategic approach to inbound marketing.